Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hello my little blog, sorry I have neglected you. but don't you worry, I shall smother you with endless posts pretty soon! <3

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Apparently, I have swine flu (According to my mom.)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

You are like a great meal. You make me stuffed . . . WITH FEELINGS! But I don't have to unbutton my pants. -Paul Blart: Mall Cop [2009]

Oh yeah, I went there.

So it began with a video Steph and Ada made. And well, I simply thought it didn’t do justice. So I challenged them to the epic of all epic battles! Need less to say, I think we all know who won. PWNED.

Re: If you have any taste in music, you'll say this is a FTW.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Behold The Bart Swing

I totally forgot to publish this. So I guess I rewrite this again. Our VFX professor is really a strange one. He spent a good hour of the class talking about this new fun craze of The Bart Swing. It was very interesting though. Apparently, he knew that a group of his friends were trying to do a little project on Bart. They assembled the contraption while no one was around and just left. And that morning, busy people got a little jolt of simple delight on their way to work. What an amusing concept.

Monday, May 18, 2009

"Rainbow Alligator Saves the Wetlands? Organic Squirrel Gets a Helmet? I'm not reading you these communist stories." Skeeter Bronson, Bedtime Stories [2008]

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Mother's Everyday

Got it from Steph for Mother's day.

Criminals for a night

So last week, I joined some fellow softball players for a casual practice at the park near my place. We had to hop a fence because we were too lazy to walk around. But that’s not the worst part .. I didn’t realize I was target practice till Gloria started hitting them AT me. So painful. But I forgive her. I think Alberto’s was in more pain than me; he was hanging on the fence by the crotch. It one of those ‘you have to be there moments’. So funny. Anyway, we went to Banana Island for dinner and wound up doing a bunch of illegal things later that night. Oh dear goodness – I’m gonna get in trouble for mentioning this so I’ll be very brief about it. XD Amateur One almost hit a car on the other lane. Amateur Number Two ran a red light by accident. Amateur Number Three almost got caught by the cops at the DMV parking lot. We saw a lot of police that night and got kicked out of the ocean beach parking lot. Whheee….

XD's behind the wheel!

Full moon + Ocean = <3